Do you feel near boiling point?
Does it happen to you sometimes (or often) when interacting with others and the external world to become angry, frustrated, maybe even communicate badly and make a scene?
As a yoga and wellness teacher, a lot of the content I share is about beauty, joy and self empowerment - but what happens when I step out of the light & can't take my own advice?
"The most important spiritual growth doesn’t happen when we are on the yoga mat or meditating. It happens in the midst of conflict, when we are frustrated, angry or scared and we’re doing the same old thing, and then we suddenly realize we have a choice to do it differently." love this quote
Being a harmonious person is easy when things are going your way. But who are you when things aren't going your way, when people around you or events aren't smooth. Do you close yourself off? Do you lose patience and think or speak poorly?
What place does anger hold in your life?
I'm at a stage in my journey where I recognise that acknowledging & experiencing the uglier sides of me as a human being is important.
In the past days I haven't dealt with things gracefully actually. In an ideal world, I would have managed my reactions better, but instead irritation and a bad mindset came through.
Maybe it's not about stepping out of the light. Perhaps we are this duality, made of both light and darkness. Good and bad are merely tools we have to meet ourselves in the universe.
Of course, we all gravitate towards kindness; but we undergo lows to reach highs and be the best versions of ourselves right.
Finding balance - being more neutral, less attached to the emotions is perhaps key.
Ultimately whenever we experience sides of ourselves we could be better at, each time is an opportunity, a new chance we're being offered to take on a different perspective.